As the stakes are getting higher for the whole world to be aware on worsening environmental and sustainability concerns, we show our commitment to this objective by trying to apply in actual projects the ideals of such worthy cause. Such as the case in exerting a lot of effort and resources to build our own green building as permanent headquarter.
For us, the completion of such will make this an actual model in an urban setting on how energy can be utilized and produced outside of the grid, how to utilize urban agriculture in producing organic food for people in the city, how to make sure that indoor environmental conditions could really benefit the well-being of building tenants and most importantly, how to utilize into real application the gifts of nature such as rain, sunshine and wind, among others.
The applications to industrial setting of these types of project approaches are so advantageous based on resulting energy savings, environmental compliance, people well-being and other useful and timely benefits.
Delivering excellence.
Energy Audit and Analysis
Waste to Energy Analysis
Water System Efficiency Analysys(Generation, Recovery and Utilzation)
Natural Ventilation and Air-Conditioning
Vertical Garden Facilities and Automated Irrigation/Monitoring System
Solar Energy Utilization
Wind Energy Utilization
Gravitational Energy Utilization
Ground Cooling Utilization
Heat Energy utilization
Zero Waste Audit and Analysis